I've discovered that I am a doer. I'm an executor. And I've never necessarily seen that in myself. When you're plugged into your thing...whatever it is...doing becomes easy. Because it's your job. Not even your job- it's your calling. Your passion. That's a thing Aliya helped me discover. We would have a conversation, and by 5 that night everything we talked about was completed. And… I was able to sign 10 clients working with Aliya. The investment was more than worth it.
If you're looking to improve the quality of your life or your business. If you want someone who is going to be in your corner 110% of the time, and believe in you 110%. If you want someone to hold you accountable to get the big things done to move the needle towards the direction of your dreams. If you want someone who will not buy into the excuses and lies we all tell ourselves that hold us back. If you want a kind and loving partner to be on this journey with you...call Aliya. - Andy H.
If it wasn’t for Aliya, I wouldn’t be a regular blogger at the Huffington Post! – Kelly B.
Since taking on Aliya as a coach, every aspect of my life has improved. Not only am I less frustrated with myself when I’m not doing what I think I need to, I am less frustrated with everyone around me when things aren’t happening as I envisioned them. Coaching has given me a stronger mentality and a new frame of mind to experience the world through and sometimes it’s pure bliss. It’s funny, I used to leave each session with a huge weight off of my shoulders but now, it’s like I don’t even have the weight at all. I am now confident in my abilities. No matter what situation/challenge I’m given in life I know that I will have the mental fortitude to deal with it as it comes up. I can also make choices more intuitively which leads to my choices being a closer representation of who I am. Rather than thinking about other people's priorities before I’d even had the chance to think, now I take a couple seconds to check-in with myself and ensure my next course of action is something I’m consciously choosing to take. Another improvement from coaching with Aliya is that I’m able to manage stress so that even if it’s there, I can work with or around it to still get the desired results I want and expect of myself. This has let me reach new heights with not only work but relationships, obstacles of life, and “impossible to break” habits.
If someone was on the fence and asked me if they should work with Aliya as their life coach, and I might be a little biased here because I think Aliya has been the perfect coach for me, but I would say absolutely 100% yes. You are pretty much guaranteed to get your value's worth. Even just the amount of happiness and the outlook on life that I’ve gained from coaching alone has made all the sessions worth it to me.
As a final point, I can’t believe the change happened so fast! Each session you leave with a goal to work towards and you start to realize how long a week actually is and how much time you have to improve. Sometimes you just can’t wait till next session to talk about all the things you’ve accomplished. And if all that wasn’t enough, for me the best part is that she genuinely cares about your successes. Not only has Aliya shown me how to be successful and achieve my own goals, she’s shown me how to take pride in the success of others. Take a session, I guarantee you won’t regret it. - Torsten K
Before working with Aliya I was confident in my abilities, but felt I had hit a wall, in my career and didn't know where to go. She helped me dig deeper into the areas where I was struggling and figure out why I was not able to change things in my life that were affecting my business. Since I started working with Aliya I:
-Doubled my clientele and new business coming in
-Figured out what my flaws/unhelpful habits were and acknowledge and overcome them
-Understand a deeper meaning into the idea of manifesting and how your thoughts create who you are and what happens in your life.
Aliya is a coach who has changed my life! You are your thoughts and beliefs and if they shift more negative than positive you need to start coaching with Aliya immediately! - Michelle K
When I began coaching I realized that getting my mindset in the right place helps things stick. That was such a massive realization for me that spanned into my career and personal life. Once that opened up for me, I don’t think I could ever go back to the way things were before. Aliya Levinson is amazing and I had the best, life-altering experience with her! – Ashley C.
When I started with Aliya I was struggling with direction and working without real guidance. Working with her gave me the confidence and direction to take a big step and join a growing company as a partner. I have been off to the races since and finally enjoying my work life. Aliya was incredibly helpful in this process! Thank you, Aliya! =) – Alex K
Aliya is amazing. She truly cares about her clients and does everything in her power to support them. She is a heart-centered coach who means business. She marries her many years of experience with the curiosity of a child. That’s truly rare. What you get is a seasoned professional who expertly helps you realize the genius in yourself. I participated in two of her Group Business Coaching Programs for Coaches; she gave tremendous value in terms of tools, practices, accountability and loving support. Her background in Social Work shows in the way she cheers us on and listens with empathy. She exemplifies a balance of feeling the feelings and doing the work. If you are looking for a seasoned coach who truly cares about you and your needs, you can count on Aliya. - June W.
Aliya has moved me so far on my journey that it's hard to believe. I actually know who my ideal client is now and have managed to secure all my first clients since working with Aliya. If you are just starting out or have issues around getting yourself and your business seen, contact her. - Lara L.
I’ve never felt so aligned – Raechel G.
Before working with Aliya, I struggled with knowing WHAT to do that would help me grow my coaching business. I've never taken a business course, and I certainly wouldn't have described myself as an entrepreneur. Working with Aliya not only taught me the nuts and bolts of what it takes to get a business off the ground; it also gave me the courage to get my feet wet and put myself out there. Aliya is an amazing coach, consultant, and human being, and I highly recommend her to anyone thinking about getting a business coach! - Ivy M