-Interview With Aliya-
Who do you work with?
I help driven entrepreneurs who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, reclaim their joy and confidence for their vision so they can finally achieve the success, impact, and income they’re meant for (with more energy, fulfillment, and freedom along the way)!
How do you help them?
What I’ve found is that most driven, service-based entrepreneurs hit a plateau in their business. They feel overwhelmed and stressed or become paralyzed and stuck procrastinating. They feel like they’re not managing their time effectively, and ultimately start questioning whether they can actually succeed and fulfill their potential.
What they really want (and have wanted!) is sustainable way to scale their business.
When they hit this point they think: “perhaps I need better strategies!” and set off looking for the next Band-Aid solution that never solves the original problem.
The real problem is that who they are and what they stand for has taken a backseat to everything else in their life and business!
What they need is to get back to the confidence they began their business with…AND to take effective actions that are aligned with their original vision. That’s where coaching comes in.
How did you get into this work?
For a long time, I approached my business like I approached my life. Because I felt I could do “all the things” and didn’t want to disappoint anyone, I said “yes!” to opportunities, people, clients, tasks, helping! that part of me – deep down – wasn’t sure I even wanted, let alone really fit in with. (In all honesty: being asked or invited is always an ego boost and helping someone else feels great. But more times than not, I found myself masking or conforming who I really was and what I wanted in order to make things “work.”) I was exhausted, spread thin, and not seeing the results in the form of impact or revenue for all I was taking on. Not to mention, I couldn’t fully enjoy and show up for the people I REALLY wanted to: like my family/colleagues/friends in the way I wanted. So, instead of being the leader I knew I truly could be deep down, I was being what I’d always been: Everyone’s perfect best friend.
What I realized was the responsibility of fitting into what I thought everyone else needed of me was heavier than the responsibility of simply showing up for one person. ME. So I decided to trust in this new idea: that if I just lead ME, and if I just trust in my original vision, and if I give myself the validation I so easily give to others, the right people and opportunities will show up. I decided that starting with myself is what will propel this business into being the most impactful business it can be for the people who actually need it MOST.
When I made that decision, it was like this big, scary notion of responsibility disappeared…in ALL areas. I finally realized what I personally needed to fire on all cylinders and how to live according to MY rules. I could see where in my relationship things were stuck and learned how to express my needs in relationships both in and outside of my business. I started walking the talk: and all of the sudden life got more FUN! More ME. Decision-making in my business became so much more simple because I was being fueled by my passion. My relationships were stronger because I could see others more clearly. I could be more compassionate. I was coaching myself the same way I do my clients: and my clients began getting even better results and consistently renewing their packages. Raising my rates was no longer scary, it was just the obvious choice. Me-time and business-time finally became this balanced flow where the more I met my own needs, the more my business grew. But above all- I finally had this trust in who I was and where I was going.
I am in no way perfect in showing up for myself. But I now understand? That is SO not the point. The point is actually being there for me, so I can be there for others, so I can grow, others can grow, the business can grow, and my client’s businesses can grow. That’s the ripple effect. That's why I started this business.
What type of results do clients see when working with you?
For years of pursuing this work, the common thread I’ve found is a deep desire for most people to trust themselves, offer themselves compassion, and identify and stand true to their core values while being able to flourish in meaningful relationships with others. This is the crux of what catapults fulfillment and really helps us live into our potential in all areas: from business, to finances, to our careers, relationships, health - you name it. We all crave connection and when we begin to trust that connection with ourselves first, the rest of our lives take shape in an authentic, powerful, and strong way.
The results you can receive from coaching are powerful and unlimited. From doubling their income to bringing on their first client or next set of higher paying clients to finally successfully growing their team, to speaking their needs in intimate relationships/friendships to helping their partner really hear them - the results we want most come from truly knowing - deep down- we are worth these things.
The effects we see in ourselves have a ripple effect in our businesses, relationships, and lives. IT’S AWESOME.
You can check out more client experiences + results here (as well as the testimonial video).
How do you work with clients?
I currently work with clients one-on-one in either a 12-month or 6-month program.
The VIP 1:1 coaching program is for individuals who are eager to shift one or multiple areas of their life (typically in their business, personally, professionally, or in their relationship, or desire to create a healthy intimate relationship + long-term friendships). They are ready to play a bigger game and are eager for the transformation that comes with that. They value working 1:1 to go deep and create desired results in their life, relationship, health, career, or business. In this program, we schedule 3, 45-minute – 1hr long coaching sessions per month, with a break on the 4th week for implementation. You’ll receive recommended assignments, video tutorials, book suggestions, and other pertinent resources as needed along the way. You also get access to all training materials within other programs that are created. This is the most popular program and is primed to help you achieve the transformation you’re seeking in your business/career/ relationship/ personal life/ wellness/ finances, etc.
VIP Coaching Sessions: 3, 45-Minute- Hour long In Person, Video or Phone Sessions Per Month Over the Course Of Our Time Together
Energetic Leadership Breakthrough Assessment: This Assessment Details Your Personal Leadership Success “Blueprint” And Potential And Provides A Roadmap for How We Create And Achieve Goals Together
Voxer Access: A Voice Messaging App To Connect Between Sessions
Access To A Personal Video Library: Tutorials, Recommended Reading, Worksheets To Help Implement and See Results On Concepts We Utilize During Sessions
Anything else people should know about you, and or coaching?
I hope people know they are worth their dreams + desires. I really believe that we don’t receive a dream unless we’re capable of achieving it. Put yourself in a position to bloom. You CAN!
If you’re ready to see if coaching together is a wonderful fit, schedule your call here.
On the call we’ll chat about where you are now, the results you are looking for, and we’ll decide whether we’re a good match for working together. Can’t wait to see if I can help!