Being a coach, you know that attracting clients is necessary to grow your business. But, for so many of us, it can be one of the most nerve-wracking things to do.

There’s self-doubt that makes you question how to present yourself, what you say, or how you’re perceived by others...

There’s information out there that makes you believe that you have to do certain things to attract clients--that you have to have all your ducks in a row….

And, as a recovering perfectionist, I know: It’s tempting to attempt to make sure everything is in order and perfect before you get yourself to make those connections that bring clients your way....

Well, friend, I’ve got news for you!

Being yourself trumps everything.

I’m not saying you should completely ignore all other information about how to attract clients.

Take it into consideration. But also, take it in stride.

Because, when you’re offering your coaching services, what truly matters is coming from your heart.

A place of caring. And knowing your value. Your people? They need YOU. And, they’ll completely feel your authenticity when you’re simply being YOU and coming from a place of service and that true desire to help.

At the end of the day, we’re all human. And, through your coaching business, you get to be the amazing human that you are, helping other amazing humans. And getting paid for it!!

So, step into that caring person you are….

Show someone how they can make their life or business better.

Let them know how awesome they are. Give them concrete examples of their awesomeness--so they see it.

Provide opportunities for them to see that there are bigger possibilities for themselves.

Allow them to trust themselves more.

↑↑↑ All that -- your perspective, your insights, your unique way of helping others -- that’s your value.

And, your value is the key to your connection with people, so share it!

Remember, you’re helping people. With many of the same self-doubt, fears, and emotions as you.

Which makes what I’m about to say the best news evaaaaa!

>>There’s no hidden formula.<<

It’s about making those same human to human authentic interactions with your circle of friends and community.

Seems too good to be true...amirite?

When you apply it though? That’s when you and your biz, and your clients and future clients will soar.

So, get out there and make those connections! You’ve got this!

Find something of common interest that you both have -- strike up a conversation about your common interests.

And follow up with them --

Check in to make them feel special.

Make sure they feel your support...

Support that’s caring, real and authentic.


↑↑↑ That will create those lasting connections that have people lining up to work with you! ↑↑↑

To discover how I make it a point to communicate my value and demonstrate that I care with the coaches I work with, book a call with me here. Together we can boost your confidence and get you out there to show the world all the amazingness you have to offer.


In Your Corner & Rooting For You -


P.S. - I want to leave you with this little bonus.

Here’s one way that I, as a brand new coach right out of coaching school, reached out to find prospects and share my value with them:

Send out a letter (a.k.a. A warm market referral letter either through email or regular mail) to your friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues ....

Let them know what you’re up to as a new coach.

Let them know how you can help.

Ask for referrals.

And, even provide an incentive for people to respond.

Why is this a great place to start? These people already know you to some degree. And, word of mouth is often the best way to reach prospects.

Want more strategies like this one to find amazing ideal prospects now?! Click here to download your FREE eBook!

