A lot of times online we're led to believe that BIG PAYOFF:

The clients
The recognition
That big payday

Will come AFTER:

We finally get our messaging right
We finally embrace vulnerability in our marketing
We finally have a mindset that ALWAYS serves us.

In reality?

Even the entrepreneurs that make it SEEM like everything they touch turns to gold encounter difficulties.



That's because as humans...
As emotional creatures...
We cannot escape our feelings.

We can't take an ecourse
Hire a coach
Or sign up for a mastermind

And ALL the sudden never feel the feeling of worry again!
Or frustration.
Or doubt.
Or loneliness.

Our mindset is 100000% in charge of our results, which is why it's important to focus on what we CAN do.

Which is:

Get CRAZY good at managing our thoughts and feelings.
So that when the more difficult experiences come our way...

The client who says "maybe I'll sign up next month"
The email that goes out to the wrong people.
The Facebook live where we forget what we're talking about halfway through the broadcast

We DON'T make it personal
We move forward with just as much acceptance of ourselves and others
We don't question our mission or message.

How you ask?

If you haven't grabbed my free training about exactly how to do this, grab it HERE. 

Oh! And on Tuesday I did my very first video interview with the amazing business consultant and marketing strategist Jacqueline Yvette! We talk about the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur online + how to define success YOUR way. 


In about 5 hours I'm leaving to go to the Hamptons for my bachelorette party! 

I'll be there with friends from junior high, college, and friends I made when I moved to New York City. I'm SO excited.

I'll be back in your inbox more on managing your thoughts to create an INCREDIBLE reality for yourself + some snapshots and stories from the weekend. <3

(In the meantime, don't miss out on the free training I created just for you)! It's some of my best gems yet...