What an interesting time for us coaches (or perhaps all service-providers)! There seems to be this collective call to action: for us to share our tools, insight, and even methodology, to support all those that may need it. Beautiful!

Yet, there's this concern or rather debate I'm hearing to the tune of: "is it morally irresponsible to still offer my services (at my respective rates) seeing as we are in a time of crisis? Does being in this time of 'panic' mean prices must be slashed and it's unconscionable to still.... sell?"

What are your thoughts here?

Part of mine are this >> the people that invest in coaching actually want to make the investment. Because they know that when they do, they officially have skin in the game. Meaning: they've financially committed to their growth. They've mentally said YES to jumpstarting their transformation. They believe in the possibility of their results. They believe in themselves.

When we take away that "stake" for them to put into the ground, we've (in a way) simultaneously made the choice for them: that their commitment can be a little more 'wishy washy.' That they can waddle into and out of their agreement not only with us, but more-so with themselves.

Is this true in every case? Totally not. I've committed to many a free thing: a challenge, a meditation, a free course. 

But when I've wanted real, lasting change in my life, relationship, or business, I've wanted to pay for it. I've wanted to have that exchange of money/energy/what have you, for the education and transformation I was receiving. Because I knew that's what would seal the deal. Solidify my commitment. That's what would hold me accountable to myself and the results I wanted.

Here are some things you can do if you're straddling the line between creating free vs. paid offerings, are wondering if it's still "responsible" or "ok" to sell (or are simply experiencing feelings in both directions): 

1. Reconnect to your values. If you value 'security and financial growth', AND 'altruism and service,' decide how you will honor BOTH sets of values during this time. For example, continue offering your paid services (particularly now, when there are those looking to invest in their next steps) AND create a low-priced or free offering (value-packed videos, pertinent blog posts) for those that might be seeking affordable + accessible information/support. Doesn't have to be one or the other!

2. Go all in. If you're going to sell, do it with excitement! Remember, by continuing to offer your paid services you're helping your own personal economy, the actual economy, on top of simply taking a stand for the power of coaching and the belief you have in your prospect. If you sense that selling during Covid-19 times somehow feels "off" to you: be honest and compassionate with yourself about that feeling. It's all good! Do some work around your money-mindset (I recommend the books The Law of Divine Compensation or Busting Loose From The Money Game): because what's coming up now for you likely comes up during non-corona virus times ;). Use this as an opportunity to explore your personal beliefs around money.

3. Trust yourself. You don't have to feel any certain way. You don't have to feel pressure to sell or not sell, or pressure to suddenly switch up your business model or offerings. As we know, clarity and strong decision-making tends not to come from a place of panic ;). So take it one step at a time. Connect to that 'inner knowing' to find wisdom around what would best serve you, others, and even the world at this time. 

If you've seen this in your industry, have experienced this in your own business, reply back and let me know. Good news is...you're totally not alone!


PS: I'm brewing up a new offering...a mastermind for coaches who are looking to connect with other heart-centered souls who want to grow their impact, especially now.

If you know you're interested and want more info now, check out more details here.

We begin the week of April 13th/20th!
