Authentic Marketing In Today's Environment


Authentic Marketing In Today's Environment

As we discussed in our last blog post, so many of us experience this "ick" factor when it comes to selling and/or marketing.

We - understandably - "don't want to be or come across as 'salesy' " or "'pushy.'"

If you think you need to be someone you're not in order to market and sell your guess is you're not going to market or sell them!

Because who wants to feel like you're saying one thing while believing another?

It's basically like masking what you genuinely believe in order to "make things work...."Which is so not the point!

But...we all know that not selling or marketing leaves us in a bit of a conundrum:

Not being in business.

Not serving, transforming, and creating a beautiful exchange of value and connection.

Here's an amazingly effortless way through this >>


Selling During Corona Times?


Selling During Corona Times?

What an interesting time for us coaches (or perhaps all service-providers)! There seems to be this collective call to action: for us to share our tools, insight, and even methodology, to support all those that may need it. Beautiful!

Yet, there's this concern or rather debate I'm hearing to the tune of: "is it morally irresponsible to still offer my services (at my respective rates) seeing as we are in a time of crisis? Does being in this time of 'panic' mean prices must be slashed and it's unconscionable to still.... sell?" ….


Rising + Resilience Now [2 Free Training Videos]


Rising + Resilience Now [2 Free Training Videos]

Hi Sugarpie!

We’re currently in Covid #19 Times but that doesn’t have to mean we’re down and out. Yet…

If you’ve felt anxious, overwhelmed, or uncertain (or happen to be a human like me) them navigating these experiences in a beautiful, way IS possible.

Check out my new FREE 2- Part Video series below to learn more.

The first one is for when you need some #InstaCalm

The second one is for when you want to #RiseandFindResilience! >>


Taking An Idea From Nothing To Something

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Taking An Idea From Nothing To Something

When I first launched my coaching business I had no idea how to market, strategize, find clients, grow.

I was confident in my ability to coach others.

But the whole "building a business" aspect was totally foreign to me.

This small part of me knew, though, that if I applied everything I'd learned from coaching school--overcoming blocks, working through limiting beliefs, getting out of my own way--to creating a successful coaching practice >>

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For When You're Feeling Triggered


For When You're Feeling Triggered

…I immediately tensed up.

Did she really just say that?

My thoughts began wavering between -- ""But she doesn't know our relationship!" to.."But, I'm a good person!" and..."She doesn't know that I was feeling a little irritable that morning anyway!"

Then it hit me.

This little "ah-ha" moment that's so easy to forget.

Especially during those times we're triggered.

When we're in the midst of a knee-jerk reaction.

My thoughts were my attempt at >>


2 Ways To View Obstacles


2 Ways To View Obstacles

Over the 4th of July Mike and I went to Hudson Valley on a little getaway.

We stopped by Storm King Art Center...have you heard of it?

It's a huge outdoor park with ginormous sculptures.

I highly recommend checking it out if you're ever in the area.


We came across this one sculpture and the first thing I thought was: that thing looks totally menacing, like it could fall right down on top of me!

The first thing Mike thought was...


Escaping Your Comfort Zone: The How

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Escaping Your Comfort Zone: The How

Can I tell you a mini story?

Ok, so about 2 years ago I was speaking with this woman who wanted to work together on her business.

She said here was something HUGE stopping her though...

This part of her identity that she couldn't escape...

That would "obviously" ultimately prevent her from being successful >>

"What is it?" I asked...

"I'm....LAZY" she said in a joking but also serious way and started to laugh.

I laughed right back with her before sharing a truth of my own:

"Girl....guess what. I'm ………>>>>>

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You Don't Have To Be Perfect To Make Money


You Don't Have To Be Perfect To Make Money

I read a quote the other day that REALLY stuck with me:

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves yet wiser people are full of doubts - Bertrand Russel.

Let's be honest. We're all wise and we're all foolish. All humans have it all.

But...his point around those that are wise being held back by doubts?

That was like a TRUTH that hit me hard.

I've met so many really wise, thoughtful, compassionate, interesting solopreneurs...

That are waiting for things to be 'perfect' before they can really put themselves 'out there.'

Before they're ready to bring on clients, make money, go LIVE on video.

Or, before they're ready to finally say YES to themselves and do the thing they REALLY want to do.

Like switch their niche, or start public speaking, or put the next business in place...

That thing that really makes their heart sing.

Instead, we'll say all those things like...

"We'll first I need to.....


How To Use Self-Doubt To Your Advantage


How To Use Self-Doubt To Your Advantage

Looking back through the trajectory of my coaching career there were so SO many times I metaphorically didn't touch my head to my knee.




I didn't commit.

I didn't keep going.

I didn't take action.

Because I knew the action would be uncomfortable.

And I didn't want the discomfort.

But what I realized is...

Standing there.

Not stretching.

Not moving.

Not leaping.

Or even stepping.

Or even simply thinking about what it would look like to step.

All of that?

Was JUST >>>


How To Use Love To Bring On Clients


How To Use Love To Bring On Clients

Hi boo boo.

I have a secret for you!

You know how when we THINK....

This isn't happening...

I'm not attracting clients...

I'm not cut out for this...

I can't do this whole "business thing"

We just so 'happen' to:

Not attract clients 

Feel "not cut out for this"

Sense that we can't do this whole "business thing."

Weird, right?! ;)

Or...not so much.

Ya see...our results come directly from >>
